Here are some great initiatives from our Mission 1.5 partners to act now!
FAO’s YUNGA Challenge Badges is for you to raise your awareness, educate and motivate you to change your behaviour and become an active agent of change in your local community. Challenge Badge activities are both educational – and fun! FAO came up with these challenges so you can learn about how to make our world a more sustainable, fairer place!
Office of the Secretary General’s Envoy on Youth’s Youth4ClimateLive Series is where you can register to be part of the discussion towards Pre-COP and COP26. Join an intergenerational and interactive virtual conversation between policy makers and unstoppable youth at the forefront of creative climate action.
UNICEF’s Have Your Say initiative will allow you to take more actions on climate change and act now with 6 actions you can take! To start with, also read the guidelines on adolescent participation and civic engagement in Engaged and Heard! Guideline and learn about how to Build Back Better from Covid-19.
UNESCO and UNEP’s YouthXchange Guidebook on Climate Change and Lifestyle can give you some ideas on how to develop skills to take action on climate change. There are series on Biodiversity and Lifestyles, Green Skills and Lifestyles and Responsible Consumption too.
UN Volunteers provide many types of volunteer opportunities to young people and beyond, including the Youth Volunteer.
UNDP’s SparkBlue Dashboard on Youth is a space to get involved in conversations and learn more about young people in development and peace, including through climate action such as NDC Support Programme and Climate Promise.