By investing more money into a green economy, you increase the supply and demand of new products that help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This also allows more people, particularly young people, to be trained and work in a new secure market that will continue the growth of green products. Together, the growth of green businesses and jobs will help decrease greenhouse gas emissions across all economic sectors.
Moving into a new work sector can bring anxiety to workers. With the help of governments, a smoother transition can be made between different work sectors, and as a result, encourage more people to make a switch to green jobs. This helps with the 1.5⁰C plan, however, there first has to be a large and relevant industry to employ people. This is why investment in green businesses and jobs can have a larger effect on reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Giving more money to polluting industries will only encourage them to continue to pollute. This would not decrease greenhouse gas emissions and as a result, is not in line with the 1.5⁰C plan.